Oregon's Poverty Fighting Network


To magnify the impact of Community Action to serve low-income Oregonians by advocating for resources with a unified voice, strengthening partnerships, and building capacity.

Client Stories


Bodhi shares his story and reflects on how the right support can change lives for the better.

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Client Stories


MCCAC used EHA funds and connected her with a caseworker who helped her develop a short-term plan to keep her housed until her benefits came through.

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Client Stories

Sam and Maya

Facing disability, unemployment, and a medical emergency, Maya turned to MCCAC for help securing housing.

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Black lives matter.

It’s appalling, frustrating and disheartening that such a statement needs to be made. However, the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and

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Michael and Rodney

This is Michael and his puppy Rodney, two of NeighborImpact’s shelter guests this winter. We spoke to Michael recently about his story of homelessness here

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Oregon's Community Action Agencies