Eligible Multi-Family Properties in Oregon
NeighborImpact: Project Funding Summary, Client Status Tracking, Audit Checklist, Inspection checklist, Final Audit & REM checklist
- State Plans: PY 23-DOE, PY22-DOE; PY22-27-DOE/BIL; PY21-DOE
- Manuals: Grant Guidelines (2022); Grant Guidelines (2021); OPUS Manual (2018); ECHO (2012).
- Audit Protocols: REM Technical Policy; Single Family Audit Protocol; Small Multifamily Audit Protocol (2019)
- Field Guides: 2021 WAP; 2020 WAP
- OHCS Memos: 22-7 (Heat Pump Standards); 22-6 WAP (Pre-qualified List); 22-5 WAP (EIA Rates); 22-4 WAP (Readiness Fund); 22-3 ECHO (Bulk Fuel Switching); 22-4 WAP (Readiness Fund); 22-2 WAP (QCI Flexibility); 22-1 (Income Guidelines); 21-4 BPA (Highlights); 21-3 WAP (EIA Rates); 21-2 LIHEAP (AC Purchase); 21-1 (Removal of Covid); 20-3 WAP (SHPO); 20-2 WAP (EIA Rates); 20-1 (Infectious Disease); 19-3 BPA (Highlights); 19-2 WAP (EIA Rates); 19-1 WAP (Audit Protocol); 18-1 WAP (SHPO); 17-5B ECHO (Program Modifications Add); 17-5A (Program Modifications); 17-2 WAP (Remodeling, Moving); 17-1 WAP (Clothing Purchases); 13-1 WAP (File Documentation); 12-10 LIHEAP.
- Monitoring: Performance Evaluation Tool.
- Tech Tools: Derating Heat Pumps; Refrigerator Analysis; Refrigerator Database; Water Heater Calculator; Ventilation Calculator; Certified Wood Stoves (2015).
- Equipment Guides: Minneapolis Blower Door Manual; Minneapolis Duct Blaster Manual; DG-700 Digital Gauge Manual; DG-1000 Digital Gauge Manual; Fyrite Insight Combustion Gas Analyzer Manual.
- Training: Residential Energy Analyst Program; REM Certification
- Opus: Authorized/Approved Signatures Form K (2022); OPUS Privacy Notice to Recipients of Services (09/2014); OPUS User Policy (09/2014); OPUS Privacy Posting Notice English (09/2014) OPUS Privacy Posting Notice Spanish (09/2014); OPUS Agency Administrator Agreement (09/2014); OPUS Manual (2018)
- Department of Energy – Weatherization Assistance Program
- Federal Guidance
Eligible Multi-Family Properties in Oregon
- USDA Properties (2022)– all buildings on this list are considered income-eligible without further evaluation or verification (See WAP MEMO 099).
- Public Housing Qualified (2023) – all buildings on this list are considered income-eligible without further evaluation or verification (see WAP Memo 109)
- Public Housing Verification (2023) – these might be eligible but need to check with the local housing authority (see WAP Memo 109)
- HUD Assisted Housing (2023) – Check in list whether particular project has 66% (50% in 2-4 unit buildings) eligible units (see WAP Memo 109)
- Tax Credit Properties (2022)– Individual Verification Required
- WAP administrative trainings. Create account with code “waptraining”