Oregon's Poverty Fighting Network

What We Do

To meet the needs of the Community Action Network, CAPO assists with specific programs or projects that address a specific issue or necessity. We operate programs that bolster energy assistance and education, support veterans and their families, and coordinate the fight against homelessness. These programs include:

  • Oregon Energy Coordinators and Affiliates: a committee of Community Action staff members and allied organizations working together to keep Oregonians warm and safe, through programs like energy bill payment assistance, energy conservation education, and home weatherization services to income-qualified households throughout Oregon.
  • Supportive Services for Veteran Families: funded by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, our SSVF program in Klamath Falls serves Veterans and their families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 
  • Rural Oregon Continuum of Care: covering more than 26 counties in the state, the ROCC supports communities in addressing the needs of people experiencing homelessness in rural Oregon.

Each Community Action Agency (CAA) offers a variety of services. Find the CAA in your area for more information: Find Services in Your Area.